Doctors On Call Services

We are HIPAA compliant and offer 100% secure and encrypted messaging! 
All of our operators are trained in HIPAA Compliance to provide quality, professional service to not only our customers but to their clients as well.

We now provide quality telephone interpreting services for all foreign languages. Whether it is a business client, hospital patient, government agency or 911 call, our expert interpreters are available to help you take on any language barrier 24/7.

*Over the phone interpreting in over 200 languages

*HIPAA, AARA, HITECH and Joint Commission compliant

​*Connection to interpreter in less than 30 seconds

​*Interpreters are tested and rated in proficiency and medical terminology

If you are tired of being overcharged for less than adequate service, then this is your prescription for change! We can provide service to any type of medical specialty from Neurology to Podiatry.  Here at Doctors On Call services all of our operators are trained in HIPAA compliance to provide quality, professional service to not only our customers but to their clients as well. We are a 24 hour medical answering service answered by live operators at all times. There are no hidden charges such as weekends, holidays or even data storage fees. We offer a priority doctors' check-in line to avoid any delay in relaying the message to your doctor on call. We know your time is valuable and seconds count! We can also patch, email, text, page, etc. all of the messages to your doctor. The choice is yours. Our job is to make your job easier. Call us today for details on how we can meet your after-hour needs without costing you a fortune.

Language Translation